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Mercedes Porro, DDS


Dr. Mercedes Porro is a prosthodontist practicing in Edison, NJ. Dr. Porro specializes in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Prosthodontists maintain oral function, comfort and the appearance and health either with the natural teeth or the replacement of missing ones with maxillofacial tissues and artificial substances.
31 years Experience
Mercedes Porro, DDS
  • Edison, NJ
  • New York University College of Dentistry
  • Accepting new patients

Do I need a prosthodontic follow up after getting my dentures?

There should be a follow-up with dentures at least once/year. Also, if the patient has had any weight loss, they should have the dentures evaluated.

Can you talk after dental implants?

After dental implants you will have little swelling and discomfort for a couple of days. There is usually no problems w speech

What is the procedure for restoring a missing tooth?

There are several options, but if there are adjacent teeth, then it can be restored with an implant, permanent bridge, or a removable appliance.

I knocked out my two front teeth. What's the procedure for implants?

You need to have a consultation and X-rays to determine if there is adequate bone in the area to support implants. If not, a permanent bridge is another alternative.

Can I use mouthwash with dental browns?

Yes, you can use a mouthwash and it will not stain the crowns

How long after a dental implant can you get a dental crown?

Usually it’s between 4 to 6 months after implant is placed

How long does it take for a dental implant to osseointegrate to the bone?

Usually it’s between 4 to 6 months for the implant to integrate. It depends on the area of the mouth and the quality of the bone.

The crown over my molar cracked. What should I do?

In this scenario you should stay on softer foods and away from that area as much as possible. Take some anti inflammatory medications like Advils, Motrin etc and should have a READ MORE
In this scenario you should stay on softer foods and away from that area as much as possible. Take some anti inflammatory medications like Advils, Motrin etc and should have a new crown done ASAP.

Can dentures cause gum recession?

Dentures need to be evaluated every year or so to determine if they need to be adjusted or lined. As we age bone tends to recede and they should be relined for a tighter fit.

Is there any medication to prevent tooth decay?

Once the decay begins the only way to contain it is by cleaning or excavating the cavity. However, a high fluoride toothpaste or rinse can help slow down process.

Should I be able to floss under my implant?

Yes, flossing is a must to maintain healthy gums and bone around an implant.

Why do my teeth hurt when I bite down with dental implants?

Sometimes the bite may be a little off and cause pain when hitting or eating. An adjustment will alleviate this problem.