“Is there a cure for darker pigmentation around my elbows and neck?”
I have darker pigmentation in my elbows and at the back of my neck. I'm not sure where this has come from but it's been there my whole life. Is there anything I can do?
5 Answers
Depends on the cause. It could be genetic, in which case it could be difficult to treat. If caused by repeated trauma or rubbing, etc., then there may be a remedy. If it's a more rare pseudoacanthosis nigricans, then losing weight may help. Consult your dermatologist.
This needs to be evaluated to see if you have acanthosis nigracans or if this is just a hyperpigmentation problem. Neither can be cured, but they can be treated to improve the cosmetics.
Has to be seen; cannot cure, but can make it look better with topical treatments in some cases. It is chronic.
Yes, there are different creams that can be used to help reduce the pigmentation. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this and creams will need to be used on a continuous basis.
Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD
Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD
You can try over-the-counter Amlactin moisturizer to help. Make sure you do not have prediabetes by seeing your primary care physician (could be acanthosis nigricans from insulin resistance). There’s some other possibilities that would need evaluation and treatment by a board certified dermatologist if the above doesn’t work.