Family Medicine Questions Mood Swings

Daughter is constantly having mood swings. Is this from her period?

I'm a single dad, with a daughter who is 13-years-old. She really recently got her period, and that's a whole other story on its own, but she's been having such an attitude lately and it's driving me insane. Are these mood swings from her period, or just a part of growing up?

2 Answers

Hello there. I understand your point and your concern is realistic. Change in hormone levels come with significant change in mood add to it change in age.
No need to worry.
There is more moodiness close to the period but this is a common attitude for teenagers. Peers are more important than parents and they will not confide in you as before. You need to make sure she is not depressed or having problems at school with bullying. Fortunately most get less moody around 17 just 4 more years to go.