Radiologist Questions Enteritis

My father has developed enteritis after his radiation therapy. What should we do?

My father underwent about 7 treatments involving radiation. However, he has now developed enteritis and his stomach looks bloated. He is being given antibiotics and IV treatments also, but we want to know alternative treatments for his condition. Could you please suggest what we can do about this?

4 Answers

Speak to his oncologist and radiation oncologist about the optimal treatment or consult a radiation oncologist at an academic center.
Get hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
This is best answered by his radiation oncologist, as I am a diagnostic radiologist. It's a complex problem, and not in my realm of expertise.
All the best.
Although I am not a radiation therapist, and it might be good to discuss this with your radiation therapist, you may try items like yogurt and other probiotics to try to calm things down. It certainly should not hurt.