Orthopaedic Surgeon (Pediatric) Questions Bone Infections

My son has been diagnosed with a joint infection. Is surgery the only treatment for this?

My son is 8 years old and has been diagnosed with an infections in his joints. I had no idea that one could even get an infection there, but now his doctor is referring us to pediatric ortho surgeon. Is surgery really the treatment for this?

1 Answer

If there is truly suspicion for an infection we usually get an MRI of the joint of concern first in most cases. Based on MRI, laboratory values, and clinical exam If there is high suspicion for infection then surgery is definitely indicated. Infection can lead to irreversible damage to a joint which is the main reason we wash it out surgically to gain control. Now in your question you stated “joints” plural. Having multiple joints involved at the same time is more uncommon and usually some other process. Seeing an orthopedic surgeon board certified in pediatrics is def the right step of there is any joint or joints issues.