“When is a dialysis recommended?”
My mother has a creatinine level of 5.5. She is heavily diabetic and according to the doctors she will need dialysis soon in the future. They have been suggesting a fistula to be done, but she has been avoiding it. At what stage is a dialysis mandatory?
6 Answers
We just don't go by GFR but overall health condition to decide dialysis initiation. That includes abnormal labs and uremic symptoms like somnolence, confusions along with abnormal labs. At Cr of 5.5 she should surely get a dialysis access asap so it matures before she is started on HD
When a patient is at an advanced stage, usually. Less than 20% of GFR and symptomatic. We would need more info, however.
Seems like your mother has stage 5 kidney disease (GFR less than 15). It is better to prepare her with an access and her doctor will decide ragarding the initiation of dialysis. Initiation of dialysis depends on other co morbid conditions, too.
Hope this will help you.
Hope this will help you.
Well, dialysis is indicated with low kidney function when pt has symptoms. Most of the time, when eGFR is less than 10 and pt has nausea, vomiting, change in mentation, low appetite, sleeplessness, etc., are some of indications for starting dialysis.
I agree that she should go for fistula if she like to do hemodialysis in future. I want to educate that she can also do peritoneal dialysis.
I agree that she should go for fistula if she like to do hemodialysis in future. I want to educate that she can also do peritoneal dialysis.