“Do I need a massage or chiropractor for back pain?”
I am a 37 year old female and I have back pain. Do I need a massage or chiropractor for back pain?
23 Answers
That depends on the cause of your pain. If its purely muscular than massage will be helpful. If not, massage will feel good in the moment but not provide lasting relief. If your back pain come from spinal joints, an adjustment should help. Chiropractic covers a wide range of treatment and corresponding philosophies. Who you see can impact how you improve.
The simple answer is yes... if it is a musculoskeletal issue. Back pain may be caused by a more serious underlying health problem. A good chiropractor should be able to help you with this by taking a thorough history and doing a comprehensive examination.
If it is a simple matter of musculoskeletal dysfunction, I would recommend both chiropractic and massage therapy (perhaps physiotherapy as well). They work better when combined than separately.
If it is a simple matter of musculoskeletal dysfunction, I would recommend both chiropractic and massage therapy (perhaps physiotherapy as well). They work better when combined than separately.
I would recommend both. Chiropractic will take care of the underlying issue as to why your back pain is not resolving on its own. And massage will help relax the muscles around your back.
There are many, many different conditions that result in back pain. A chiropractor is a physician highly skilled in diagnosing and treating back. Therefore I would always recommend seeing a doctor of chiropractic first to understand the causes of your particular condition. While there are many different types of massage therapy in general most are aimed at relieving sore and tense muscles and improving blood flow to the involved tissues. I find that massage is most helpful following a chiropractic treatment.
Back pain is very common, however it should never be considered normal. If you are experiencing back pain for greater than a day or two with or without physical activity associated with it, a consultation with a chiropractor would be the right step. Back pain, soreness, stiffness, not-quite-rightness, is a sign of inflammation and chronic inflammation is the cause of spinal arthritis. Once inflammation is controlled a proactive approach to back pain is recommended with massage, stretches and exercise program to maintain mobility and reduce injuries.
Massage then an adjustment would be ideal but if I had to choose, the adjustment is more of a correction
A good start to having your pain relieved is by beginning care with a licensed chiropractor in your area. They help with restrictions of joints that can create decreased flexibility, localized swelling and pressure on nerves which will lead to pain. They also help retrain and stabilize weakened muscles. If chiropractic doesn't begin helping in the first six to eight visits, which usually it will begin helping fairly quickly, then looking for a licensed massage therapist or physical therapist would be your next step.
Great question! There are so many different causes of low back pain and visiting a chiropractor is highly recommended in getting to the source of and the solution for that pain. Chiropractors are trained to find and treat/manage the causes of most sources of low back pain. Massage therapy and chiropractic care are an extremely effective duo in treatment of the
many causes of low back pain. In some states you don't even need a referral to see a chiropractor and/or massage therapist. Do some research and find a doctor in your area if you think this type of care would be helpful for you!
many causes of low back pain. In some states you don't even need a referral to see a chiropractor and/or massage therapist. Do some research and find a doctor in your area if you think this type of care would be helpful for you!
That depends on what’s going on! If it’s simply a muscle a massage will help, but if there is a pinched nerve, or a structural problem, you should see a competent chiropractor!
Hope that helps!
Dr. Josh Barton
Hope that helps!
Dr. Josh Barton
They are both good ways to alleviate back pain, a combination is best but chiropractors can find the main cause, work on the soft tissue and adjust the spine, rather than just massage.
Go to your Chiropractor as your initial point of care. If you need a massage your chiropractor can prescribe it for you. If you need something else, they will prescribe what you need.
Hi !
Chiropractic will get to the root of the issue. Massage is more superficial. It might help you feel better for the momment although the issue more likely will not be aDDRESSED AT THE ROOT LEVEL.
Chiropractic will get to the root of the issue. Massage is more superficial. It might help you feel better for the momment although the issue more likely will not be aDDRESSED AT THE ROOT LEVEL.
This is a hard question to answer without an exam. Back pain may be due to tired muscles but there could be an underlying problem to back pain. So, it is better to see the chiropractor first and let them refer you.
Hello 37-year-old female,
Have you had massage and or chiropractic care in the past? Because this depends on why your back is hurting. If you go to a massage therapist, you may feel better for a while or you may not. While if you go to a chiropractor, you will have a diagnosis for why your back is hurting and a treatment plan to correct the problem witch may include massage.
Dr. Morgan
Have you had massage and or chiropractic care in the past? Because this depends on why your back is hurting. If you go to a massage therapist, you may feel better for a while or you may not. While if you go to a chiropractor, you will have a diagnosis for why your back is hurting and a treatment plan to correct the problem witch may include massage.
Dr. Morgan
We refer to massage therapy on a regular basis in our office. I first determine if the cause of back pain is muscular or skeletal/structural. I find that majority of my patients have structural issues that are causing the muscular pain. I would suggest starting with a chiropractor first.
First, you need a proper exam to determine the diagnosis so you would need to see a Doctor of Chiropractic or other qualified provider. Once that is done, the appropriate treatment for your condition can be prescribed. There are many reasons for a 37 year old female to have back pain, so being thorough will rule out any serious conditions that could be overlooked by just treating the symptom and not the cause.
Great question! Both in conjunction will provide the maximum relief, which is why my practice incorporates massage, stretching, and adjustments.
It’s best if you combine both, but pain is controlled in the brain, and chiropractic stimulates and balances brain function. Pain goes away when the brain and nervous system are balanced with adjustments.