Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Do antidepressants permanently change your brain?

I am a 20 year old female and I am taking antidepressants. Do antidepressants permanently change your brain?

6 Answers

Not really
If you think you are having neurological problems after taking antidepressants, please consult a neurologist.
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Not that I know, need to make an appointment with psychiatrist and discuss
There are several studies showing that anti-depressants permanently alter the brain. The controversy comes in because no one is sure if that is a good think or a bad thing. It is very difficult to measure neurotransmitters in the brain and even harder to track small electrical impulses. I would consult with your physician to see if there are alternatives to anti-depressants and would not just stop them cold turkey. This is an interesting question and with more research a better answer may be found.
Thank you for this question.

Michael J. Olek, DO
Take a look at this link for some thoughts about your Q.