Orthodontist Questions Orthodontist

Do braces damage teeth?

I am a 21 year old male and I want to start wearing braces. Do braces damage teeth?

10 Answers

Orthodontics can help prevent future dental problems and or jaw pain in the future if done correctly. Orthodontics done incorrectly can cause iatrogenic damage.
The brackets ("braces") are attached to the teeth by a special bonding system and do not harm the teeth or the enamel. Generally speaking, any "damage" done to the teeth, gum tissue, or supporting bone is usually due to the patient's poor oral hygiene (brushing and flossing). In our practice, if we note this issue over several visits, we recommend stopping active treatment and removing the braces.
Lack of proper care damages teeth. Poor oral hygiene is the #1 problem with conventional braces and must be mastered with proper training, self discipline and proper equipment. Aligner trays are not exempt from problems if not kept clean. Remember "cleanliness is next to Godliness"
They do not usually damage teeth however if you do not maintain the health of the teeth keeping the plaque off the teeth around the brackets they can demineralized the teeth and also upon removal of the brackets it’s important that the existing binding left on the tooth be removed very carefully

Best Regards,
Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Braces are an orthodontically controlled method to reposition teeth towards their optimum masturbatory and harmonious function. It should be done under the supervision of a dentist and should get clearance from periodontist (gum/bone specialist) as well as make sure there is no active decay. If performed correctly, braces are extremely beneficial not only aesthetically, but for general health. If done incorrectly or if the patient is not a good candidate, they could cause complications.
No, 'braces' do not damage teeth (short answer). Damage to teeth while wearing braces relates to inadequate cleaning. Have your dental hygienist or dentist show you how to properly clean your mouth and use fluoride. Professional cleaning must be done at least every 3 months. These are things your orthodontist should be helping you with.
Braces do not damage teeth. However, it is important for you to be extra diligent with your own home care. There can be damage to the exposed tooth structure due to lack of good oral home care.
Braces do not damage teeth, as long as you maintain adequate oral hygiene and keep up with your routine maintenance dental appointments.


Andy Gaertner

No, braces do not usually damage teeth. They may cause some changes of the enamel color around the brackets, but they do not usually cause damage. Braces can, however, in rare cases cause resorption (shortening) of the roots of your teeth. This is something you do not normally see in Invisalign.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD