Sleep Medicine Specialist Questions Insomnia

Do homeopathic therapies treat insomnia?

I am 22 years old, and I think I'm dealing with insomnia. I tend to stay a majority of the night, and finding ways to help me stay up--like binging on netflix, staying on my phone, etc. I don't want to take sleep meds like Ambien after seeing what it does to my mom. Are there homeopathic treatments that can help me?

8 Answers

Hi there ! I like binge watching netflix too, but we need rest. I would highly suggest an epsom salt bath before bed. You can add lavender essential oil to it. Message me if you have more questions.
For my insomnia patients, I order labs to understand the underlying cause of insomnia and I start treating by making lifestyle recommendations. Once labs are back, then I start to understand the underlying cause and I treat it. I treat with supplements, botanical medicine, homeopathics, lifestyle interventions, sleep hygiene protocols, and some of my patients need referrals to sleep specialists for overnight in-lab sleep studies to truly understand what is going on with sleep. In your case, there are lots of ways to treat insomnia, and you can start by improving your sleep hygiene (go to bed in total darkness with blackout curtains, no blue lights including all technology, add media tape to all blue lights, no cell or computer for 1 hour prior to going to sleep, sleeping in a low temp environment, etc.).
Yes, and the success rate is very high. Read here:
Usually, insomnia results from exhausted adrenal glands. In my experience, herbal remedies are wonderfully effective for healing insomnia. Theoretically, homeopathy can achieve this, too. But, for this, herbs are better.
Hello, homeopathy remedies for insomnia do not cause any psychological or physical dependency and are good methods to use. Homeopathic remedies for insomnia may include: aconite, argentum nitricum, coffea, cocculus, nux vomica, arnica, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Rhus Tox, and Kali Phos. You can research these to see whats best for the symptoms you are experiencing.
Yes. Best is coffee 12c or 30c.

To your health.
Try Passion Fruit. A natural Caribbean Flower drink.
Homeopathic therapies are great for insomnia. But you need to find a homeopathic doctor who practices constitutional homeopathy. And the BEST way to combat your insomnia is to have a lifestyle change. This is a better long-term investment for your health than jumping from a doctor to another!