Dentist | General Practice Questions Tooth extraction

Do I need antibiotics for a tooth extraction?

I'm scheduled to have my tooth removed tomorrow. Do I need antibiotics for a tooth extraction? How long would I need to take these for?

12 Answers

Not necessarily, if it is an impacted tooth but not infected you don’t need antibiotics. If the tooth is infected I put my patients on antibiotics, the number of the days and frequency depends on the type of antibiotic prescribed.
It depends on the situation. In most instances, you would not need an antibiotic for a simple extraction. However in cases of a serious infection (such as swelling) a doctor may prefer to have you take antibiotics prior to extraction.

There are also some medical conditions that require a dose of antibiotics prior to major dental work to prevent infections.

If the doctor doing the extraction has seen you recently, I would think that if they felt you needed antibiotics they would have prescribed some. Just to be clear, routine extractions with no health history complications normally do not require antibiotics preoperatively.
This depends on a case to case basis. I usually give antibiotics if the tooth is infected or if bone is manipulated. I will put my patients on antibiotics for 1 week.

If your surrounding gum/face is not swollen, then you don't necessarily need an antibiotic prior to an extraction. Sometimes if a patient is a smoker or is immunocompromised in any way, I will prescribe an antibiotic just as a safeguard.
Thanks for your question.

Good luck,

Dr. Marcin
No unless you are having an infection or you have a medical condition which requires prophylactic coverage as per your physicians recommendation. Check with your MD to see if you have a condition which requires pre-surgical coverage.
In some cases, it is necessary to take antibiotics for a tooth extraction. If there was an infection in the tooth or if there are periodontal problems it is a good idea to take a course of antibiotics. Durning an extractions bacteria may be stirred around, antibiotics help to contain any possible infections. A usual course of antibiotics is 5-7 days.
That depends. If there is an infection with a swelling, then they are usually given. However, if there is not an infection, for instance, the tooth had decay into the pulp, but was still alive, then antibiotics need not be given. Often they are given after an extraction, but that is often not necessary, and only when healing pain is persistent for over two days might they be prescribed.
It depends if you have a predetermined medical condition that require you to pre-medicate.
The use of antibiotics for an extraction is decided upon by your provider. There is no mandatory use of antibiotics, however many times there are signs or symptoms that dictate it would be a good idea to take antibiotics. If they are prescribed- generally you would take for 1 week

Your dentist or oral surgeon can give you the best advice. If you are healthy, have no artificial heart valves, artificial joints, and your face is not swollen, probably you do not need antibiotics.
Typically no, but you should ask the surgeon that is performing the surgery.

Hope it goes well,

Jossi Stokes, DDS