Dentist Questions Dental Implant Surgery

Do I need a dental follow up after getting dental implants?

I'm a 40-year-old male and had a few dental implants installed. Do I need to go to a dentist soon to check up on them? I had these implants installed about a month ago by a surgeon.

12 Answers

Ideally, your implant treatment should be coordinated between the surgeon who places the implant and the dentist that restores the implant. The restoring dentist should have input into placement of the implant. The surgeon should re-evaluate the implant and test it before it is restored. In COVID 19 times, the best thing to do is keep the areas clean and contact the surgeon after restrictions are lifted. Generally, the implant is torque tested 3 months after is is tested to determine restorability.
Definitely. Dental implants need to be maintained with regular cleaning and observation to make sure the bone and gums around the implants are clean and healthy.
Typically your surgeon will want to follow-up with you in 3-4 months. He will have to give clearance that the implants are completely healed and ready to be completed with a crown. Once the surgeon gives the clearance, that's when you will want to set up an appointment with your dentist to put the crown on the implant.
You should check with oral surgeon who placed the implants as the post-op varies with the different system if the implant is placed.
You should follow up with the surgeon that placed the implant. The surgeon needs to determine when the implant is fully integrated and ready to be restored. Typically, you should allow three months for the implant to integrate.
After a month things should be fine but you should find a dentist that will restore the implants with crowns and have him follow up.
All patients should have a dental home. Your treatment plans should be a coordination between your general dentist and the surgeon who placed the implants. The restoration of the implant should be between the surgeon, general dentist, or prosthodontist.

Make an appointment with a prosthodontist to discuss what is next. Ideally you should have seen the prosthodontist first to have plans made for proper placement of the implants
Dental implants are inserted in different ways. If no part of the implant is visible in your mouth, then the base of the implants were inserted, and possibly some material was placed around the base of each implant so your bone cells could grow around and through your implants so they could make the bone tighten around your implants. You probably were given an appointment to come back. Your next appointment could be to check on how stabilized your implants are or to restore your implants with the crowns that you will see in your mouth. Take care of those implants. Floss and brush around them each day. Those implants can get gum disease just like your natural teeth. Implants are a good investment but you have to take care of them.
You need a hygiene recall and check-up every 3-4 months to maintain the implants.
Generally the surgeon and restorative dentist should be working together with a treatment plan already worked out. The surgeon will usually place the Implants then have several post operative appointments with you scheduled over a couple month period and then let you know when the implant is well integrated and ready for restoration. Then send you to the dentist that will finish the crowns or bridgework. I would check with your oral surgeon to get the schedule clarified.