Dentist Questions Dentist

Do veneers ruin your teeth?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to get veneers. Do veneers ruin your teeth?

6 Answers

Veneers don not ruin your teeth . They are used for Cosmetic purposes to improve your smile. the only thing you need to know that the teeth need to be very minimally prepared (shaved the outer enamel layer) which will not cause any damage to teeth if done properly. And in some cases no teeth preparation is required depends in patients teeth or the kind of Veneers are used its all case by case decisisons to be made by the dentist and of course your dentists should have consultation appointment before doing such procedures bc its costly but its worth it if you can afford . its beautiful results to have and make sure you like the design and quality and the shade of the veneers before final cementing them so make sure at delivery date of veneers to be happy with them not just to please the doctor and do not feel shy if you don't like the style do not cement them until you are happy with them because one they are final cemented can not remove them .
All depends on the shape of your teeth. Most often, teeth are reduced by 5 mm to make room for the porcelain. Some teeth, if they are rotated, will be reduced a lot more. Check with your dentist and seek a second opinion.
The short answer is, it depends. If you can get veneers placed without drilling down the teeth, your teeth will not be "ruined" even if you need to get the veneers removed in the future. If your teeth had to be prepared or drilled down, that procedure is irreversible. If you get cavities under your veneers in the future and need to get these replaced, you may need your teeth to be drilled down further. Your dentist can let you know what is being planned in your case.
They can enhance your teeth if you are the right candidate.
Veneers have been a good alternative for cosmetic changes for decades. The veneers have been improved over the years and work very well today. They do require the same daily maintenance that your teeth require, namely brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day to prevent decay.

Ruin your teeth is a relative term. Sometimes filling cavities can be part of the reason for doing veneers; however, veneers are usually done for cosmetic reasons. Most veneers involve reducing (shaving) down the front, edge, and part of the sides of the tooth to get the best looking result. This reduction can be considered by some as ruining the teeth. These people would rather have their natural teeth. However, others want their natural teeth to look better, and they do not consider veneers as ruining them only enhancing them.
Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD