Internist Questions Internist

Do you think that adrenaline can completely and utterly numb your pain?

First, I have to inform you that I am completely fine, and do not need any personal help. See, I am writing a book, and need a few pieces of information about adrenaline. Would you say that if you suffered from a violent shock that knocked you out for a few hours you could still feel the rush of the adrenaline once you wake up? How much adrenaline can you "produce" at once? If it is a matter of survival, do you think that adrenaline can completely and utterly numb your pain? Or would the victim still feel something?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
An enthusiast young writer.


2 Answers

Adrenaline can and does numb pain due to fight or flight however if the person is in constant fight or flight they can develop accusations which is a lack of adrenaline and it causes tremendous pain
It's endorphins.