“Does anesthesia cause hair loss?”
My sister had a surgery with general anesthesia. After surgery she started to have hair loss. Is it possible for the surgery to cause hair loss?
8 Answers
Is hair loss familial? Anesthesia and/or surgery could make symptoms that should appear years later occur after surgery. She needs to see a doctor soon.
Per se, anesthesia is not related to hair loss, but you get anesthesia for surgery, which is stressful and any stress can make you lose hair.
No anesthetic agents have been found to be specifically associated with hair loss. However there are some individuals who might find 'Hair loss' possibly from the debilitating condition, surgery and the prolonged recovery process after a major surgery.
Hair loss from general anesthesia, meaning the use of anesthetic gases and/ or propofol infusion is clinically and scientifically truly unknown; I’ve never seen a case of hair loss attributable to general anesthesia. Hair loss is very common with stressful circumstances; no doubt any surgery is highly stressful. Reduce the inflammation/oxidation of stressful situations by consuming an anti-inflammatory diet. If your sister had a surgery that lasted many hours and her head was in the same place for these many hours then hair loss may occur over the pressure points of her scalp. These patches of hair loss will grow back. Any illness, either acute or chronic causes stress ( increased oxidation at the cellular level). Try yoga to reduce the stress in her life. Maybe an MD near where you live can provide peptide therapy for your sister. The peptide Thymosin Beta 4 on the scalp allows the hair to grow.
Hair loss is not directly related to Anesthesia but hair loss is usually occur as a result of stress to your body due to surgery itself but hair loss is usually make up in few months once the stress is gone .Hopefully that answer the question but if you are concerned than consult you family doctor they may advise her some supplements good for hair recovery.