Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Does cracking your neck cause arthritis?

I am a 35 year old female. I wonder if cracking your neck causes arthritis?

10 Answers

No. In fact, if it is performed by a chiropractor on a regular basis, it may actually reduce your risk of arthritis.
No, but prolonged cracking of the neck can produce hyper-mobility and ligament laxity.
Absolutely not. In fact, it can help prevent and relieve arthritis.
If you get your neck adjusted by a professional than you can actually get relief from arthritic pain.
Cracking your own neck is typically moving above and or below what needs to be moved. You cause ligament laxity and instability over time, and YES, accelerate the process of degeneration in the neck, leading to arthritis.
Hope I helped. Got your back!

Dr. Todd Gewant
Cracking your own neck is not advisable. Contributes to ligament laxity where the ligaments will not support your neck when stressed. Therefore, if your body perceives a joint to be unstable, arthritis will follow to provide stability.
If you mean cracking your own neck consistently daily, yes, it can cause laxity in the ligaments and tendons, leading to arthritic changes.
Arthritis it's associated with inflammation, physiological and bio mechanical changes in the joint and tissues. Joints that have synovial fluid have cracking noises when they are moved. The movement creates changes in pressure and release of gas/air. Those noises are normal and are not associated with any damage to the joints. However, excessive misalignment can cause wear and tear in the joint and inflammatory process that can lead to arthritis.
It does not cause arthritis. Restoring alignment and function to the joints will slow down or stop the progression of arthritis, and in the long run may reduce the arthritis. However, the manipulation must be performed by a trained professional.