Dentist Questions Dentist

Does food get under implants?

I am a 44 year old male. I have dental implants. Does food get under implants?

5 Answers

Only improper placement of Implants may
Food cannot get under implants because they are embedded into the bone. You can, however, get food caught under the implant crown if it is too large or poorly designed. Have your dentist check the restoration if you are having that kind of issue.
Yes, you have to floss.
If you have bridges attached to your implants or crowns with large overhangs, then the implants need to be properly cleaned every day. A waterpik and sonicare are good tools. Also, if your implants were not constructed with custom abutments, then more careful cleaning is required.

Alan B. Steiner, DMD

This is a very good question as I rarely get those. Food cannot get "under" an implant anymore than it can get under a tooth. Both teeth and implants are anchored in the bone intimately, so there should be no space between the bone and the root/implant for anything to collect if the supporting tissue is healthy. This being the case, food can accumulate under the gum or soft tissue around the clinical crown of the tooth or the prosthetic crown on the implant. So, regular hygiene of brushing and flossing should remove these deposits and keep the tissue healthy and firmly in a proper supporting relationship to the tooth or implant. This maintenance is critical to the successful integrity of the supporting tissue for the tooth root or implant osseointegration. Bacterial growth accelerates if food particles are left in the space between the gum and the root or implant and inflammation ensues, which will ultimately lead to bone loss and failure in the support for the root or implant. This process is called Periodontal Disease.