Oncologist Questions Skin Cancer

Does frequent tanning put me at risk for skin cancer?

I'm 19 years old, and I go tanning a lot. Well, mainly in the winter when I can't go outside to lay out. I go as frequently as once a week. Does this put me at risk for skin cancer?

6 Answers

Yes, sun exposure including tanning machines age the skin and can and do lead to skin cancer and aging of the skin. Many skin cancers are less common in persons of color because their pigment protects them. However, they are are not completely protected by their natural pigment.
Yes. Sun exposure and tanning beds increase the risk of future sun damage including aging of the skin and potential pre-malignant and malignant tumors.

Jeffrey P. Callen, MD
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Without question, frequent tanning puts you at risk for skin cancer!! No one has an exact measurement of how much is too much, but reducing your exposure to tanning will reduce your chances of skin cancer......especially if you have light skin!!
Yes, it significantly increases your risk for skin cancer. The highest increase in skin cancers are in women ages 16-29 due to tanning.

Suzanne Sirota Rozenberg, DO, FAOCD, FAAD
Hello, yes frequent tanning can lead to a skin cancer. But we never would want that to come against you. If you can spray tan as well that can also help. I had a collegue just had some cancer tags removed because she frequently tans. Please be careful an do it in moderation!
There is evidence that even one exposure to indoor tanning can increase your risk of skin cancer and eventually skin aging with long term exposure (wrinkles, thin/saggy skin, anddark spots). I would recommend self tanner rather than exposure to tanning beds.