Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Does seeing a chiropractor help TMJ?

I am a 32 year old male and I have TMJ. Does seeing a chiropractor help TMJ?

11 Answers

Yes, especially if your TMJ is secondary to muscular or joint dysfunction. Articular damage may need repair but chiropractic could help manage symptoms if you are on the fence about surgical intervention.
Many chiropractors are capable of successfully treating TMJ. The best way of treating is by addressing the underlying cause. Your chiropractor should take a detailed history and perform a thorough examination before treating. He may wish to refer you to a dentist or an orthodontist as well.
I have seen few patients that adjusting TMJ helped to resolved their issue, but it is based on each individual case.

Yes! Chiropractic helps with TMJ. It promotes proper nerve function and movement in the restricted joint.

Kind regards,

Angie Skokos, DC, MS
I have been very successful in treating TMJ. One patient suffered with TMJ for 40 years. He had seen other chiropractors, MD's, and he even went to the UCLA TMJ clinic to no avail. The first visit was the first time he had had relief in 40 years. Over a course of several visits he was 100% better with only occasional flare ups. Find a chiropractor who has experience and success in treating this problem.

All the best,

Dr. Neill H.Payne
Seeing the RIGHT Chiropractor can be a game changer for TMJ issues! Look for a NUCCA Chiropractor - - or other Upper Cervical Chiropractor who specializes in TMJ... gentle upper cervical (top of the neck) adjustments can restore the nerve communication and allow the muscles to let go and free up the jaw. There are also adjustments that can be done to the jaw itself, if all the symptoms do not clear up with the spinal care!
Chiropractic can help with TMJ. The temporal mandibular is a joint and can be adjusted like any other joint in the body. Combined with myofascial release, you can do very well. There should be an x-ray done to rule out dislocation or pathology. In some cases a MRI is used to rule out soft tissue damage. These test will be determined by your chiropractor.

Not all chiropractors treat TMJ, however, many do. There is a fascial connection between the upper neck and TMJ. Balancing the muscles associated with mastication and jaw tracking can be very helpful. Night guards can be helpful if you grind your teeth at night.
I hope this info is helpful.

Good luck,

Dr. Eric Miller
The right chiropractor can help.

Dr. Cedrick Noel, BSN, DC, FABCDD, DACNB
Yes, I would recommend going to a Chiropractor that has had craniotherapy training and/or TMJ disorders training.