OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Does that mean I am pregnant?

I had unprotected sex on May 7th and had an emergency contraceptive pill on May 8th at 12 pm. My last period was on April 28th. I had my period on May 14th-16th. What does that mean? I am also getting hungry from time to time Does that mean I am pregnant?

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 16/05/20

4 Answers

The emergency birth control pill has a good track record in preventing pregnancy but it’s not 100%. If you aren’t sure, then the best way to truly answer your question is to have a blood test for a quantitative HCG pregnancy test; then repeat it again in 2-3days if your symptoms persist. If the test remains negative, then have your doctor also check your female hormone levels so that’s the best way to really know what’s happening. If you aren’t sure which hormone levels to check, check out my book Blossoming, Becoming a Woman and there’s a section on how to talk to your healthcare provider.
Not necessarily. Check a pregnancy test.
Maybe. Please take a pregnancy test.
So, the best way to answer your question is just run to the drugstore and pick up a pregnancy test. They are extremely accurate and it would DEFINITELY be positive if you had conceived a couple weeks ago.
Good luck.

Joseph A. Adashek, MD FACOG