“Does your cycle change after miscarriage?”
I am a 24 year old female. I want to know if your cycle changes after miscarriage?
5 Answers
It often takes a while to resume what was a normal cycle for a woman after a miscarriage. If an irregular cycle or spotting continues to occur you should see your health care provider.

Charles Benjamin Palmer, IV.
OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist)
A woman's menstrual cycle can be somewhat different after a miscarriage (as it can after childbirth as well). This is due to hormone changes associated with a pregnancy. After a few weeks to months, the menstrual cycle should resume to how it was before the miscarriage. I will say however, that other factors such as stress, body fat (too much or too little) and birth control also affect a menstrual cycle so keep that in mind as well. If 3 months go by after the miscarriage and the menstrual cycle is still abnormal, see your gynecologist. Best wishes...