Naturopathic Physician Questions Oncologist

Estrogen and progesterone-positive breast cancer survivor stopping Femara?

I was diagnosed in December 2013 with breast cancer, stage 2, estrogen and progesterone positive, extremely high aggressive growth rate, very large tumor on chest wall found by mammogram. Double mastectomy followed by 4 infusions of adriamycin/cytoxin and then 12 infusions of taxol. No radiation deemed necessary.

Started in September 2014 on Femara to block estrogen. August 2019 stopped Femara because of hair loss. September 2019 diagnosed with alopecia (caused by Femara - tested for other causes). I am only 61 years old and have very little hair left - devastating. All blood work (CA 27-29 taken every 6 months by oncologist) has come back consistently for 5.5 years with NED (no evidence of disease).

Main concerns:
1. Saw naturopath who did blood work: Estradiol is at 60 pg/mL; Estrone, Serum is at 103 pg/mL; Naturopath said this is too high for someone who had estrogen-positive cancer. However, oncologist NEVER once tested estrogen level so no clue if this is really high for me - has to be my current baseline with nothing else to go on. (why oncologist never tested?)
2. Progesterone is a 6.50 ng/mL Have been taking micronized compounded progesterone caps for 2 months prescribed by naturopath (in spite of progesterone positive cancer?) Oncologist said to stop.
3. Have been taking DIM and "Indole-3-Carbinol plus Bioperine" since stopped Femara. Naturopath says those are not working (but how does she know that since we have no prior baseline for my estradiol level) so she (and oncologist) have prescribed Evista which I haven't started yet (prescription that somewhat blocks estrogen AND helps with bone loss - which Femara destroyed my right hip, according to recent bone density test) but does not have the hair loss effect of other estrogen blockers

My biggest concern is lowering my estrogen levels and knowing if I need to stop progesterone.

Female | 61 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months

1 Answer

Is your naturopath board certified in oncology? If not, I would follow your MD’s recommendation who is a board certified oncologist. I’m an MD, NMD. As King Solomon would say, I know how to “split the baby” and not cross those lines.