“Estrogen deficiency?”
Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 8 years
Medications: No medications

3 Answers
Estradiol is a generic bio-identical medication that is cost effective and likely available by mail order anywhere in the world; it is the generic of the name brand Estrace. Estradiol is a tablet, and not overly susceptible to temperature extremes; thus it is amenable to shipping that may encounter a time delay in delivery and that a 3 or 6month supply would be stable, even in a tropical environment. However, it is also imperative to know what your Progesterone levels are in relation to your Estradiol levels in order to have a Progesterone/Estradiol dominance; this is important to be proactive in the prevention of thick lining, uterine polyps, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and even fibrocystic breast disease. I recommend that you have your healthcare provider check your Estradiol + Progesterone levels every 6months; check on day 21 of your cycle (1wk before your period in a 28day cycle or 3wks from the 1st day of your last cycle). Both Estradiol + Progesterone are available as prescription and in Europe, Estradiol is available without a prescription; Progesterone is yam based and usually prescription only, and usually made in a peanut oil suspension that can go rancid in hot climates. Progesterone caps can also be a powder only cap that is compounded; this would take a little more effort to obtain but would be very stable to ship and would last for months in storage, just take it with 1 teaspoon oil.
I encourage anyone having low Estradiol or low Progesterone to work with their healthcare provider; I also encourage you to order my books: Blossoming, Becoming a Woman (from puberty to approx. mid-late 20years old) or Full Bloom: Perimenopause, Menopause, Postmenopause and Beyond. Both books are available on Amazon as printed book or as Kindle version and then you have a resource to refer to and work with your healthcare provider based on the information in the books.