Occupational Medicine Questions Occupational Therapy

Should my grandmother be doing exercises at home alongside therapy?

My grandmother had a stroke a month ago and still cannot close her left hand all the way. She's in occupational therapy right now, but I'm not sure how it's really helping her. Should she be doing things at home to help her recover faster?

2 Answers

Correct, she should definitely be working on her hand exercises every day at home. You may want to have her outpatient therapist clarify this with her and provide a written/picture handout of her exercises. They may also be able to utilize muscle stimulation with a tens unit to help her practice active assistive exercises with her fingers and grasp. TENS units are now inexpensive and you can get one at home for her to use If it applies.
Many times OT will include a home program. There are times when the OT will hesitate to assign exercises if they are concerned the patient will have trouble completing them independently. I encourage you to attend a visit with your grandmother and assist in communication and observing your grandmother so you can help at home.
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