Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Eye problems?

I am 27 years old. I recently figured out I have a little brown spot just beside my eyeball in my right eye. Though it might have been there since my birth as it’s a bit below my eyeball I didn’t notice. I don’t wear glasses. I tend to have migraines often. Is it something very serious? Or is this pigmentation is found often in people’s eyes? Or is this caused by any deficiency? is there a chance that this pigmentation might turn to something serious in the future or is this a normal thing that happens to every alternative people. I saw many serious conditions happening to eyes from eye spots even cancer.

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: Days
Conditions: Little brown spot near my eye ball

7 Answers

Watch the freckle for growth, it's usually no problem.
A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed.
Looks like conjunctival Nevis, which is mostly benign. However, please get it checked under slit lamp to see if it’s elevated and has irregular margins. Needs to be monitored. But again, most pigmentation in conjunctiva are benign and mostly I see Melanosis also, which is, again, benign.
It is melanin cells that become darker on sun exposure. It's normal. Not a cancer.
So your image is a bit blurred and out of focus but you appear to have a conjunctival nevus which usually grows little and has a rare chance to turn malignant. It would be best for you to be seen by a general ophthalmologist in your town who can document and make sure there are no areas of concern in other parts of your right eye AND your left eye as well. A good picture can be taken in the office to assure good follow-up. Hope it helps
It is called Primary Acquired Melanosis. Very common. It is basically a freckle. Like any freckle, if it starts to grow, gains elevation, feeder blood vessels pop up around it, then it has potentially turned into cancer and should be biopsied.
At your age, it is most likely benign, but an eye exam from an eye doctor can determine for sure and would be recommended.

Frank Cao