“My eyes strain a lot when working on my computer. What could be the issue?”
I am having to strain my eyes intensely when working on my computer. What could be the problem with my eyes? Is it just that my vision got worse?
7 Answers
Eye Strain is a common issue especially with the increased use of computers and screens, we all use them many hours of the day. First you have to make sure you have the right prescription glasses for the computer, because if you are not wearing your eye glasses prescription then that will cause eye strain no matter what you do.
the other thing that can cause eye strain is when we are on the Computer/Screens we don't blink enough. So we have to remember the 20-20-20 rule every 20 min look 20 ft away for 20 sec. This allows a break for your eyes from being to focused and gets you to blink and refresh your eyes. If you have Dry eyes I recommend keeping a bottle of lubrication drops near the computer to use as needed to relieve eye strain.
Finally, blue light from computers/ screens can also cause eye fatigue, especially people who are light sensitive, have blue/light colored eyes, have migraines or TBI's. if you fall into one of these categories you may do well with blue blocking filters in your eyeglasses. Before you spend your money on fancy blue blocking glasses I do recommend changing your computer screen from a blue tint to a yellow tint and see if that helps with eye strain.. if it does then blue blocking glasses will benefit you. (Note there is also a setting on your phone that can do this as well).
the other thing that can cause eye strain is when we are on the Computer/Screens we don't blink enough. So we have to remember the 20-20-20 rule every 20 min look 20 ft away for 20 sec. This allows a break for your eyes from being to focused and gets you to blink and refresh your eyes. If you have Dry eyes I recommend keeping a bottle of lubrication drops near the computer to use as needed to relieve eye strain.
Finally, blue light from computers/ screens can also cause eye fatigue, especially people who are light sensitive, have blue/light colored eyes, have migraines or TBI's. if you fall into one of these categories you may do well with blue blocking filters in your eyeglasses. Before you spend your money on fancy blue blocking glasses I do recommend changing your computer screen from a blue tint to a yellow tint and see if that helps with eye strain.. if it does then blue blocking glasses will benefit you. (Note there is also a setting on your phone that can do this as well).
Straining your eyes at the computer could be a sign that you need a computer prescription with blue light protection. The computer prescription will help your eyes relax so that they are not over-focusing and the blue light protection will protect your eyes from eye fatigue. Also, eye strain can be a sign of dry eyes. Get an evaluation by your eye doctor in order to assess the root cause of your eye strain.
It could be normal aging, undiagnosed hyperopia, a binocular vision issue, or dryness. Many possibilities here. Get a good comprehensive eye examination.
Computer monitors, laptops, tablets, and cell phones have been known to emit a certain blue light wavelength that has been linked to cause eye strain, eye fatigue and many more symptoms. You could potentially benefit from a blue light filter on your glasses. Definitely get an eye exam to see if there is any need for glasses (if you are not wearing any currently), a prescription change, or any other issues that could be causing your eye strain.
Computer monitors, laptops, tablets, and cell phones have been known to emit a certain blue light wavelength that has been linked to cause eye strain, eye fatigue and many more symptoms. You could potentially benefit from a blue light filter on your glasses. Definitely get an eye exam to see if there is any need for glasses (if you are not wearing any currently), a prescription change, or any other issues that could be causing your eye strain.
Computer Vision Syndrome is very common. Eye strain and visual fatigue results from prolonged exposure to full spectrum screens, prolonged over focusing at a specific distance without taking breaks, and decreased blink rate (zoning out and forgetting to blink causing dryness, haziness, eye pain etc.) All of the above combine to make you uncomfortable. Get your eyes checked to make sure you have the proper correction, get glasses with anti glare and blue blocking technology, and take breaks. Every 20 minutes look at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Remember to blink! (The typical blink rate is 17 blinks a minute and on the computer it drops to about 4 blinks a minute.)
Computer eye strain is very common in corporate America! Take frequent breaks from the computer screen. Apply the 20/20 rule, which means working on the computer for 20 mins and looking away for 20 secs. Use over-the-counter artificial tears such as refresh or Systane as dry eyes can also occur. Get eyes checked for possible computer glasses.