Doctor Questions Doctor

Fatty tumor?

About 10 yrs ago a lump came up on my leg above the knee and a Dr's assistant told me it was a fatty tumor. Just recently I have lumps coming up all over my body like my arms and stomach. Could this be fatal? And what do I do?

Female | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 6months and 10 yrs for the big one
Medications: Lispinopril and bayer asprin
Conditions: Emphysema

1 Answer

Fatty lipomas are little islands of fat cells that can grown anywhere on the body and have different growth rates. While I love my medical assistants, they cannot by education nor the law, diagnose conditions. Speak to your doctor and request a biopsy or ultrasound. If he won't do it because insurance won't pay for it, pay for it yourself to get peace of mind.