Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Full body rash?

Hi, I have a rash from head to toe that itches horribly.

Female | 55 years old
Complaint duration: few days
Medications: n/a
Conditions: n/a

3 Answers

Dear 55-year-old female,

Please go online and find a derm nearest you ASAP. Most have tele dermatology to provide service to you. Have a list of all your meds, over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, and teas. Have a list of recent travel, any exposure to aerosols, cleaners, perfumes, or new environments or pets. Check online at to find a dermatologists:

I'm sorry you are experiencing this. The differential diagnosis for this is broad. It can be psoriasis, eczema, drug rash, infestation, hives, etc. You need to be seen in person by your board-certified dermatologist for appropriate treatment.


Darshan Vaidya, MD, FAAD
You need to see a Dermatologist for accurate diagnosis as some of these can be life threatening.