“Is it safe to go to the gym 6 months after coronary artery bypass surgery?”
I am 36 years old and had coronary artery bypass surgery close to six months ago. I have always been passionate about weight training. Is it safe for me to return to the gym?
6 Answers
As long as you are cleared by your surgeon & cardiologist, there is no reason why you can't go to the gym. In fact, you should be able to resume your exercise after 6 weeks without any restrictions, gradually.
Most patients would benefit from cardiac rehab after an event such as coronary bypass surgery. These closely monitored exercise classes will benefit both physically and psychologically the confidence to re-engage in normal activities. Please discuss this with your cardiologist.
You should complete a cardiac rehab program before returning to the gym. Also most gyms want you cleared before retuning to the gym, since there are some exercises that can cause discomfort or even damage if done improperly
In general, yes, it is safe. However, you should be aware that your sternum is not as perfect and strong as it was before surgery. You should limit the amount of weight you lift. A much better form of exercise for you would be a treadmill and stationary bike exercise at least for 45min/day. In addition, you could workout with resistive machines with limited loads.
Did you go to cardiac rehab post surgery. They usually clear you for physical activity on your own in the gym. All the best. Keep up the good work.
The absolute most important thing for you to do is to make sure your lipid profile is optimal. Your LDL must be well under 70! Second your blood pressure must be aggressively controlled. Systolic under 130 preferably 110-120. You may not smoke. If you have diabetes it must be tightly controlled: A1c under 6. Then you should get into a supervised cardiac rehab program. Optimize your weight and keep BMI under 25. Once all this is done and you are on a heart healthy diet you may return to the gym. No “bulking.” Your goal is strengthening, core control, and aerobic conditioning. A well-trained certified personal trainer is the way to start. See your cardiologist regularly. Coronary artery disease is chronic and when it occurs in someone your age it must be treated aggressively. Good luck!