“Is neuropathy in hand normal after am adjustment?”
I had an adjustment to my back done two days ago and now have numbness and tingling in my right hand? Is this related to getting an adjustment, and is there anything I can do? Will feeling return?
10 Answers
This is a difficult question to answer without a more thorough history and examination. It may be related, but it could also be due to something completely different. I would get a second opinion by a health care professional that will do a complete history and examination, including MRI examination of the neck to determine the cause of your symptoms. Once that information is obtained your questions may be answered.
Because the chiropractic care can affect nervous system it could cause resetting the impulse between the brain and the organ affected.
Adjustment to your back should not cause numbness and tingling in your hand. Maybe you need to have your neck also be adjusted. The nerves in your hand comes out of your neck.
Neuropathy in the hand could not be related to a back adjustment. However, if your neck was adjusted it could be possible that as your body heals you experience changes of symptoms or even new symptoms and yes the hand could be affected. You should go back and talk to chiropractor.
This is not usual after an adjustment but it is known to occur. If it persists, contact your chiropractor and let them know.
It is possible depending on where on the spine the adjustment was made. I would immediately go back to my chiropractor and inform him of what is going on.
Neuropathy is not normal under any circumstances. The best thing to do is to return to the treating doctor and explain your experience.
If it was your lower back and not the middle or neck adjusted, it is unrelated. My suggestion is to go back to your chiropractor.