General Practitioner Questions Bee Stings

What can be the harmful effects of a bee sting?

My mother got stung by a bee yesterday. We immediately took her to the doctor who said it is nothing to worry about. Her nose, where the bee stung, is now swollen. According to our GP. it is likely to settle down on its own. But, can there be any harmful effects of a bee sting?

6 Answers

Some people can have a more severe reaction than just an itchy rash.
There shouldn't be. But, there have been cases that they can get infected. So, just watch it and if it starts to get red, warm, swollen, tender and starts to spread, then I recommend going to the doctor to get it further evaluated and treated.
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If she has difficulty breathing, nausea, or vomiting, she needs to go to the emergency room.
In this case, one must be aware of life-threatening conditions such as acute anaphylaxis and anaphylactic reactions which requires Oxygen and Adrenalinas per a special protocol- but your mother's cases sounds just a local reaction, so the sting shuld be scrapped off sideways with a fingernail, do not squeeze it with the fingertips. Apply 20% aluminium sulphate solution or methylated spirits. Apply ice to the site. Keep watching for any other development.
Depending on how many stings she received, it could be serious. Most folks do not have a problem while others do. There could be laryngospasm and edema around the neck and insude the mouth. If this occurs, one would need steroids, antihistamines, and epinephrine.
Your GP is probably right. At any rate, any dangerouis reaction to a bee sting is always very quick after the sting. A swelling is almost certainly an inflammatory reaction to the stinger and the poison on it. It is not dangerous unless one happens to be allergic to beesting, which your mother obsiously is not, or she would be much worse off now than having a swollen nose. Aloe vera juice is soothing and speeds recovery.