“My heart beats harder when I lay down. What can be the cause?”
I'm 50 years old and I have issues with my blood pressure. It's been fluctuating lately. I take a diuretic right now, but when I lay down to rest, my heart beats hard for a few minutes. What causes this?
2 Answers
Make sure your blood pressure is not going to low like less than 100 mm of it. Also, make sure you are drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day. If palpitations still persist, consider getting a holter monitor placed.
Sounds like you probably are having some premature beats when you change position and lie down. After a premature be the next bit it’s felt very forcefully. Most likely this is a form of palpitations caused by some premature heartbeats. This would be especially true if it were a regular. If it’s regular it just made me and that you’re feeling your heart beat more when you lie down. In either event, it is likely to be benign. Of course you should always have your blood pressure check and make sure that you were happy current guideline of systolic blood pressure at or below 130 mmHg.
Tim A. Fischell, M.D., FACC
Tim A. Fischell, M.D., FACC