OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Help what's going on?

My doctor asked if I ever had Chickenpox as a child because I had tested positive for antibodies VZV. Isn't that herpes? He did my blood work and a pap smear and everything came back normal. But that VZU stuff. I'm scared because he told me to be checking for lesions and he checked for them during my pap smear and nothing. I have no outside breaks or nothing. I did have a really bad ear infection that I was fighting off. If I have no signs of nothing at all why is he telling me checked for stuff. Laughing about it talking don't stress out it's only in the herpes family you will be fine. I wanna have more children and I am engaged to get married. This has me stressed all the way out. Good thing me and my husband to be aren't being intimate I would never want to give someone a disease.

By the work that I got my blood work done last year for my yearly checkup and everything was negative there and that was with another doctor. This doctor thought I had a hysterectomy and everything and I didn't. He seems to get stuff wrong.

Female | 36 years old
Complaint duration: 6/3/20
Medications: None
Conditions: Pcos

2 Answers

VZV, is varicella, which is associated with chicken pox. HSV, is herpes simplex virus this is the virus associated with herpes, and this further subdivided in to type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is the cold sores that most people have gotten as teenagers. Type 2 is genital herpes. None will prevent you from having children.
Hope this answers your question.

VZV is Varicella Zoster Virus; Varicella is Chicken pox, not herpes. Chicken pox is a virus that your body continues to harbor in nerve roots; when you are under physical or emotional stress, the virus can be reactivated and it can then manifest as shingles along the distribution of the nerve that it travels down. Shingles can be very painful and it can also be contagious as it has clear vesicles that will break open with active virus in the clear fluid. There is a shingles vaccine but many patient can simply have their antibody titer checked by a blood test to see if your body has a high enough antibody defense already within you, then you wouldn’t need the vaccine.

The bigger question is your PCOS; this condition leads to higher infertility as you make more Testosterone/male hormone than female hormone and you may not ovulate every cycle. Patients with PCOS many times require fertility pills like Clomid to help them get pregnant; start working early with your doctor due to your maternal age 36 which gives you a higher risk of Down’s Syndrome. PCOS patients also have an increased risk of Gestational Diabetes and Hypertension during their pregnancy so knowing your underlying health before trying for pregnancy is very important.