Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How can I boost my 7 year olds immune system?

My son is 7 years old. I want to know how can I boost my 5 year olds immune system?

2 Answers

The honest answer is that you cannot do anything to “boost” the immune system with any supplements, medications, vitamins, etc. A human’s immune system is determined by first of all our genetics. Just as we have different color hair, different shapes to our nose, different color to out eyes, each persons response to a foreign invader (a virus or bacteria or parasite) is different. Some people respond quickly and effectively and don’t get sick very often and some people respond poorly and seem to be sick all of the timeThe only way to boost your 7 year olds immune function is to 1. Get him immunized 2. Expose him to other people so his immune system gets to recognize all sorts of germs and can fight them off later

Dr. K

A healthy diet, low in processed foods and simple carbohydrates is important. Drinking lots of water and no sugary beverages, including juices, flavored waters, soda pop, is also critical. Daily exercise, ideally outside, a regular bedtime routine with at least 9 hrs of high quality sleep every night is important. At least 600 IU of Vitamin D daily is recommended to boost the immune system, but other multi-vitamins are not recommended in healthy children who follow the above recommendations. See your pediatrician regularly for annual well child checks, to monitor his/her growth and development and to ensure that s/he is current on all recommended vaccines.

Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
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