Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

How can I deal with my elbow pain?

I am an 18-year-old female and I have elbow pain almost every day. I used to play soccer before focusing on school. How can I deal with my elbow pain?

11 Answers

Try pin and stretch on your forearm muscles.
I’d get that evaluated by your chiropractor or PT. Massage therapy can be very helpful as well.
Ice!!! Ice your elbow 20 min and go get adjusted as the nerves from the neck control your arms etc.
We would recommend an exam and congratulations to determine the cause of your discomfort first. If it is a condition we can treat then a plan would be set up for you to help provide relief.
Chiropractic can be very effective with extremity pain. It ma y need to include treatment of the spine all the way done the extremity.
First, I would recommend an X-ray of your elbow. Sometimes, a MRI is necessary to determine the cause. An experience doctor should be able to help you. Having daily pain indicates it is time to have a medical professional evaluate your elbow.
See a chiropractor.
I recommend seeing a Sports Chiropractor to treat your elbow pain. You are too young to live with daily pain. Address this issue now and avoid larger issues later.
Sounds like a strain from sitting in one place and doing the same thing for a long time like writing or school work. Massage would definitely help!
I would massage the flexors/extensors of your arm from the elbow down. You also have triceps and bicep attachments near the elbow. You might be able to do this at home as well.

We would have to take a deeper look to find where exactly the cause of the problem is stemming from. It can be the elbow joint itself or muscular/ligament involvement. We can adjust that area and do some muscular active release on it to try to relieve the pain.