“How can I deal with my elbow pain?”
I am an 18-year-old female and I have elbow pain almost every day. I used to play soccer before focusing on school. How can I deal with my elbow pain?
11 Answers
We would recommend an exam and congratulations to determine the cause of your discomfort first. If it is a condition we can treat then a plan would be set up for you to help provide relief.
Chiropractic can be very effective with extremity pain. It ma y need to include treatment of the spine all the way done the extremity.
First, I would recommend an X-ray of your elbow. Sometimes, a MRI is necessary to determine the cause. An experience doctor should be able to help you. Having daily pain indicates it is time to have a medical professional evaluate your elbow.
I recommend seeing a Sports Chiropractor to treat your elbow pain. You are too young to live with daily pain. Address this issue now and avoid larger issues later.
Sounds like a strain from sitting in one place and doing the same thing for a long time like writing or school work. Massage would definitely help!
I would massage the flexors/extensors of your arm from the elbow down. You also have triceps and bicep attachments near the elbow. You might be able to do this at home as well.