Chiropractor Questions Neck Pain

How can I treat my neck pain?

I have neck pain as I work all day on the computer. Can I use anything to treat this pain?

11 Answers

I recommend daily stretching and routine exercise to help with occupational strains on the neck. An Osteopathic Physician who specializes in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine can help with manipulation to balance the thorax, shoulders, neck and head, and point out muscles that need stretching and strengthening. Physical Therapy can also help tailor your stretching and exercise routines specifically for your neck issues.
Look into work space ergonomics. Changing your work station will likely significantly improve your pain.
Your neck pain can be due to a postural issue. You should get X-ray of your neck and get Chiropractic spinal manipulation and postural exercise treatments.
Chiropractic adjustments and appropriate nutritional supplementation frequently solve this common problem.
I have attached a link to an article about this issue.

Seeing a chiropractor, undertake some stretching and yoga and an evaluation of your seated position, chair and computer station for the best ergonomic position for correct posture. Being seating for a long period of time is not good for your body, if you are seated for work take a break every 30 minutes for a stretch or a quick walk around the office.


Dr. Martin
Posture plays a big role for this type of pain. I recommend anything to correct Upper Crossed Posture. There are many good tools that aid in correcting this posture
Start with conservative measures first: moist heat, massage, stretching exercises, and, if needed, OTC anti-inflammatory only as needed. A good massage therapist and/or physical therapist can be very helpful.
Neck pain may have many causes first we need to diagnose and then treat it with gentle spinal adjustment to relieve the nerve in the area accompanied by manual cervical traction and providing specific exercises to strengthen the muscles in the area in order to give it support and prevent any further future injuries from occurring.
Posture is the key. It is most likely your posture is a major factor in your neck pain. Try to raise your computer to eye level and try to maintain a neutral spine throughout the day.
Look at your monitor position, then every 30 minutes walk away from the computer for 5 minutes
Neck pain can be so painful it sounds as if your posture is contributing to the problem. Especially sitting at a computer, which can cause neck spasms all to do with how you are sitting, etc. Stretching is important and changing your position; I often recommend a neck brace to hold your neck in position which actually takes of the stress in your neck muscles Many of my colleagues would not recommend neck braces, but if you use it only when working it can help. This is not using the brace all the time. I would like you to go to a physiatrist or a sports physical therapist for an assessment. It may be you have some cervical disc problem in your neck. Osteoarthritis or just simply your posture at work sitting at a computer, which causes your neck muscles undue strain. I am not a chemical girl, but you could take some anti-inflammatory; it’s always best to have it checked. A physical therapist can show you some excellent stretches. Also, some people go to chiropractors; I recommend osteopaths. You may need an X-ray to ascertain the condition of your cervical anatomy. Always best to err on the cautious side. When you get up in the morning, simply stretch, turn your neck towards your left side as far as possible. Then, do the same looking to your right side. See how far you can move, then look downwards and then upwards. If you get stuck in any of these positions, please see someone.
Good luck and take care. Remember, you only have one body. Look after what you have.