“How can I get rid of toenail fungus?”
I have toenail fungus. Any way to make it go away? Are there any home remedies?
13 Answers
First you need to be sure it is a fungus says several other conditions such as psoriasis trauma or 40 fitting shoes can cause the same symptoms. Toenail fungus is can be treated with home remedies such as topical miconazole which is over the counter. You need to apply it twice a day for a year. If that does not work, you need to consult a podiatrist or dermatologist for stronger treatments.
yes. Soak in mixture of vinegar and water daily. Soaking in a tea bath: brew tea in a large basin with at least 10 tea bags and soak feet in in daily. Use coconut oil to lotion/moisturize skin. Coconut oil is a natural antifungal
Fungal infection of the nail can be very challenging to achieve clinical cure, meaning elimination of infection and restoration of anatomy to normal appearance and structure. Fingernails and toenails are part of the integumentary system. Not unlike our skin they can be traumatized and scarred. Trauma can be from local injury or infection. All treatments for fungal nails including medical, surgical, laser, and photo therapy have shown difficulties in achieving and maintaining clinical cure. Without question, the most effective treatment are oral systemic agents taken over a period of months. Although mostly safe, there are risks to introducing anything into our body. Many of these drugs are metabolized by the liver and on rare circumstance can produce toxicity. Like anything else, one can suffer a hypersensitivity reaction to the medication. Less effective are topical agents, none of them showing great clinical cure rates with high recidivism. Personally, I recommend home remedy of Vicks Vapor Rub. Camphor oil has shown fungal inhibition. The vehicle of the rub also softens the nail to make it more amenable to cutting and filing. There are studies supporting its use with understanding it must be regularly applied for 48 weeks.
There are several home remedies to get rid of fungus depending on the severity. A lot of these home remedies are not very effective. Laser oral medication can be a lot more effective.
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
Jonathan M. Kletz, DPM
The extent of the fungus makes a difference as to the treatment. There are generally 2 treatments: topical and oral medication. The more advanced the fungal infection, the more likely you would need something stronger. Home remedies include topical Vicks and vinegar, but none are known to truly work due to lack of studies.
Toenail fungus is a very hard thing to treat, even the most effective medications are only about 70% effective. The first step to treating fungal toenails is to make sure that fungus is the cause, sometimes other things such as trauma can mimick fungal toenails. Your podiatrist could send a sample to be tested. There are a variety of home remedies that I have read about including Vick’s, tea tree oil and such. Personally I have never seen fungal nails clear from a home remedy.
Possibly, but fungus also has a genetic basis, which may require and aggressive and an extended approach. Make sure you treat your shoes, nails, and skin topically. Tolcylen is currently the most effective topical. Laser, or anti-fungal pills may also be needed.
Getting rid of toenail fungus IS a DIFFICULT task. It can take 8-12 months or even longer. Fungus is everywhere and is difficult to avoid. The problem is that given the right environment fungus can grow steadily and rapidly and take over skin (athlete's foot or tine pedis) and toenails (fungal nails or onychomycosis). Fungus in the nail is more difficult to get rid of that fungus on the skin.
To start the process to rid yourself of this over growth of fungus you must change the environment in which your feet reside. Shoes are the main culprit. Fungus loves moisture, warmth, and darkness for best growth. So if you keep shoes dry and exposed to light (sunlight is best) you will prevent the growth of the fungus. Sweat from feet contributes to the moisture. That's why I recommend patient's avoid wearing the same shoes more than two consecutive days, especially shoes with fabric linings. Next, put your shoes in an environment that will keep them dry (ie in a window to get sunlight, in a boiler room or near a heat source). Next thing is to spray the insides of the shoes with Lysol, a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water, or some antifungal spray. Do this especially if you are wearing the same shoes often. You also want to make sure you dry your feet thoroughly after a bath/shower or after soaks.
Soaking your feet in a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water every day for 20 minutes is another way to kill fungus. Acetic acid the makes up vinegar kills fungus.
After all this, you can then see a podiatrist for topical and/or oral medications that will help get rid of the fungus. Please note, the oral medications do have some harsh side effects so please discuss these with your doctor, especially if you have social habits of consuming spirits regularly.
To start the process to rid yourself of this over growth of fungus you must change the environment in which your feet reside. Shoes are the main culprit. Fungus loves moisture, warmth, and darkness for best growth. So if you keep shoes dry and exposed to light (sunlight is best) you will prevent the growth of the fungus. Sweat from feet contributes to the moisture. That's why I recommend patient's avoid wearing the same shoes more than two consecutive days, especially shoes with fabric linings. Next, put your shoes in an environment that will keep them dry (ie in a window to get sunlight, in a boiler room or near a heat source). Next thing is to spray the insides of the shoes with Lysol, a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water, or some antifungal spray. Do this especially if you are wearing the same shoes often. You also want to make sure you dry your feet thoroughly after a bath/shower or after soaks.
Soaking your feet in a 1:1 mixture of vinegar and water every day for 20 minutes is another way to kill fungus. Acetic acid the makes up vinegar kills fungus.
After all this, you can then see a podiatrist for topical and/or oral medications that will help get rid of the fungus. Please note, the oral medications do have some harsh side effects so please discuss these with your doctor, especially if you have social habits of consuming spirits regularly.
People say there are. I have not seen them work since I see them in my office. There are some OTC nail polishes that possibly work. Sometimes an oral medication may work.
Toenail fungus is a problem that does not resolve quickly. The best home remedy is to keep your feet dry. I recommend you be evaluated by a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to discuss cause and treatment options
Toenail fungus is very difficulty to get rid of. There are many 'home remedies,' including Vick's VopoRub, Tea tree oil, soaking your feet in bleach and other chemicals, but I have never seen any of these get rid of the problem. The best way to get rid of toenail fungus is with an oral medication. The medication is safe, but is processed by your liver, so your liver functions need to be evaluated prior to starting the medication. It will take 9 months to clear the infection with oral medication, but the treatment is only 1 pill per day for 3 months. There are many topical medications, as well. If you use topical medications, be prepared to spend 9 months to 3-4 years of treatment once or twice a day, depending on the medication. Many times, the topical therapy does not work. Finally, there are laser treatments. They are costly, not covered by insurance, and there is no actual study showing that this treatment is effective at curing the fungus. Even if the fungus clears for a while using the laser, 90% of the time, there is a recurrence of the problem within 1 year of treatment.