Internal Medicine | Rheumatology Questions Gout

How can I prevent gout attacks?

I'm a 48 year old male and suffers from gout. I am looking for ways to control my gout myself. How can I prevent gout attacks?

1 Answer

Gout is a condition of Uric Acid Excess due to kidney not excreting enough or body producing too much. We eliminate uric acid in the stool or urine . Certain drugs can raise Uric Acid levels such as Diuretics
Once diagnosis is made and EHR more than 1 attack occurs, and I make definite Dx I recommend
1) weight control
2) exercise
3) Diet low in purines
4) avoid alcohol excess
5) uric acid lowering meds - allopurinol or febuxostat
6) goal uric acid 5.5 or lower