Dentist Questions Dental plaque

How do I reduce plaque buildup?

Even though I floss everyday, I have an excess of plaque on my teeth. What can I do to reduce this plaque buildup?

15 Answers

Please visit your dental hygienist for home care instructions and brushing techniques. They may give you other home care aids to help with the plaque buildup. In most cases it is just due to poor technique.
Depends on food that you consume. If it is a lot of cheese or milk then it will be more build up accumulation.
On top of flossing everyday, appropriate brushing technique will help prevent plaque buildup. This includes angling the tooth brush at a 45 degree angle into the gingival crevice with a small circular motion. I would recommend discussing appropriate oral hygiene habits with your dental professional to tailor your habits to your specific needs.
Brush and floss. See a dentist also for an evaluation
It is important to evaluate what type of toothbrush you are using. Rotatory toothbrushes are best, they do the work for you. Check on yourself how much time you are spending brushing and with what frequency. Also xylitol mints will help to reduce dental plaque formation. Visit your hygienist every 3 months.
Plaque build-up is more a question of individual body chemistry than anything else. Some patients could get their teeth cleaned 4 times a year with scrupulous care and hygiene and others, who are not susceptible to heavy build-up, once a year with marginal self-care. I know, it's not fair. Keep brushing and flossing, you can keep in good dental health, it will just be more work for you.
Plaque is soft and easy to remove. Whatever instrument is used to remove the plaque must contact it. It must then rub against it to loosen it. Just passing floss between the teeth is not enough. The floss must be rubbed up and down on the side of each tooth like rubbing a dish cloth on a plate. The toothbrush must contact the plaque to remove it. Oftentimes some plaque is missed and not removed.

It is also possible you have a frequent source of sugar. This can cause rapid growth of plaque. One frequent source of sugar is sipping on a sugar containing drink over a long time.
This subject is very well explained in the book GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC.
Teledyne water pik makes a great Water Flosser. I have a number of patients who have greatly lower their plaque. Keep in mind some people produce more than others!
You can use an electric toothbrush floss more often and see your hygienist every 4 months.
You need to see your dentist for teeth cleaning and polishing at least every 6 month.
Think of it as an obligation to your better overall dental health to brush after each meal even carrying a travel toothbrush and it is not necessary to use toothpaste. Also floss once a day to stimulate the gum tissue as a thorough additive to removing all plaque that accumulates over a 24-hour period and must be removed to keep from becoming calcified and very tenacious.
Regular trips to the dentist every 4-6 months will surely help! There are some people who are more prone to heavy plaque and tartar buildup. They need a professional dentist or hygienist to actually remove it from the teeth. Tooth crowding or spacing in between teeth can also make you more prone to buildup. An evaluation for adult orthodontics can really help!
One way would be to eat a healthier diet by eliminating processed foods which tend to adhere to the teeth longer. One can brush and floss but if not performed properly can be inefficient and let the plaque build up. Oral hygiene instruction can be a benefit. Ask your dentist or hygienist to help with that. They can also help you with what tools to use for your particular dentition and the problems particular to your mouth.
Plaque forms when sugars bond to proteins in the saliva. Sugars come from any carbohydrate including dairy products, fruits, grains and starches. Eat low carbohydrate foods between meals such as nuts, veggies and meats will reduce both plaque and cavities.
To reduce plaque build-up, consider brushing 3 times a day. Bring a brush with you and brush after lunch. You can also carry Listerine mouthwash and rinse after every meal. Of course, floss daily. That’s about all you can do.