“How do braces differ for adults?”
I am a 24 year old male that wants braces. How do braces differ for adults?
8 Answers
There isn’t much difference between braces for kids or adults. As people age, their teeth don’t move as fast as younger peoples’ teeth due to changes in bone density. At age 24, I wouldn’t worry about any issues though.
Older adults are likely to have crowns or bridges made of different materials that require a different bonding technique depending on the material. Adults generally have more teeth to" embrace" (second molars are required). Also TAD's (temporary anchor device) may be needed more in adult treatment. Basically it is all the same, however, adults prefer more esthethic braces than children, which means ceramic rather than metal or clear aligner trays for treatment.
They really shouldn’t. The patient (child or adult) has a particular orthodontic problem. Usually there are several different ways to address the problem (child or adult). There are different types of “braces” that can be used (many have pluses or minuses depending on the orthodontic problem – again child or adult is irrelevant). You orthodontist should inform you of what your problem is, why he/she is recommending treatment, the different ways it can be treated, the good, bad, etc associated with each way, how long it should take, how much it will cost, and what kind of results (limitations or not) you should expect. The only real difference is that kids are still growing while adults are not and that may influence methods of treatment and exoectations.
Typically adult treatment takes a bit longer and sometimes there are fewer options available due to no growth happening as there is in adolescents.