Chiropractor Questions Sciatica

How do chiropractors help sciatic pain?

I have severe sciatic pain that is along my leg. Normally I would take ibuprofen for it, but it doesn't work. I heard chiropractors can actually help me. How do chiropractors usually help sciatic pain?

7 Answers

Chiropractors are brain and nerve doctors. Sciatica problems are nerve irritation problems. Chiropractors specialize in locating and correcting the source of that nerve irritation.
By looking for areas of nerve interference
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Yes, Chiropractic can be very helpful. It may be sciatica, or trigger points. See a Doctor of Chiropractic for your painful situation.
Definitely see a chiropractor

Sciatic pain is one of the most common conditions that chiropractors treat. The nerves exiting the lumbar spine and sacrum combine to form the sciatic nerve, which resides adjacent to the sacroiliac (SI) joint. When the SI joints become fixated and the cartilage within the joints becomes inflamed, this directly irritates the sciatic nerve and causes pain that starts in the low back and radiates into the gluteal region and posterior thigh. By mobilizing the SI joints and lower lumbar segments, we get these joints moving properly, which in turn relieves the irritation on the sciatic nerve. The ibuprofen can provide temporary relief by reducing the pain caused by the inflammation, but this is simply a band-aid for the problem. Until you get the joint(s) moving properly again, the pain will continue to reoccur.
Sciatic pain is a common thing that chiropractors treat. It first thing to do is find out where the sciatic nerve is being pinched. If if is soft tissue tightness that is causing the problem then physiotherapy is in order. If there is a joint dysfunction in the area causing the problem then chiropractic adjustments are the remedy. Of course the underlying problem that may have caused the muscle imbalance or joint impairment would need to be addressed as well, something your chiropractor is trained to detect.
Sciatic pain comes from the nerve roots of the low back that exit the spine and travel down the leg. At the opening of the spine where they exit, there can be some dysfunction of the spine causing pain. Chiropractors correct the dysfunction of the spine, allowing the nerves to function properly, decreasing pain.