Dentist Questions Dentist

How do dentists treat gingivitis?

I am a 55 year old female and I have gingivitis. How do dentists treat gingivitis?

10 Answers

Depends on the severity of the case. You need to see your dentist/dental hygienist and have them evaluate your gum health and put together a plan that could result in multiple cleaning, site specific areas of deep cleaning or even full mouth deep cleaning. The fact is get in to the office for them to determine the extent of your "gingivitis"
Dentists scale and curette the teeth until smooth and the maintenance is up to you to keep resolution under control
A good prophylaxis or cleaning of the teeth.
Gingivitis/ periodontal deseaase a multiple factor triggered condition affects not only your mouth. Dental visit is the best way to find out how to resolve your condition.
Hello I hope you’re feeling well. Gingivitis is swelling of the gingiva, the soft tissue surrounding the teeth it is caused by various Types of bacteria that live in the human oral cavity. Gingivitis usually resolves within a few days after a dental cleaning/prophylaxis however it is important to note that without treatment, gingivitis can be the beginning stage that leads to a more serious infection/malady called periodontitis also known as periodontal disease.
Gingivitis is due to accumulation of plaque that harbors bacteria. See a Dentist to have a regular cleanings. Brush and Floss your teeth is important but not enough.
Starts with a thorough medical history review, dental exam, cleaning, x-rays and oral hygiene instruction. If this is not effective, root planning and/or antimicrobial treatment may be required.
With regular dental cleanings and proper homecare.
Gingivitis is curable and is usually treated with a cleaning, but you should consult the dentist.
If you have a mild to moderate case of gingivitis, a professional cleaning should help with that. Routine flossing everyday would keep it maintained!