“How long does it take to get used to partial dentures?”
I am a 45 year old female. I want to know how long does it take to get used to partial dentures?
11 Answers
Depends on the person, but you should go back to your dentist for adjustments if you're having problems.
Everyone is different in the way they get used to new things. One person can wear a pair of shoes out of the box, while another gets blisters for weeks. Sore spots will need to be adjusted and your muscles have to get used to all that stuff in your mouth. At first it may be best to sleep with the appliances.
Everyone is different with how well they are able to adapt to a foreign object in their mouths. It typically takes several months for it to feel like a part of you, adjustments will be necessary to ensure comfort.
It probably takes couple of weeks and sometimes a lot of adjustments, don’t hesitate calling your dentist for adjustment especially if you see redness, spore spots or pain while using the dentures
Is not a matter of time, but if you are a first time user, it will take up to 3 adjustments to get used to it. After you begin to use them, usually with one adjustment, you're ready to use them without discomfort.
Everyone is different. There is no time frame that is finite for everyone, unfortunately. I wish there was. Some people take a few weeks, some take a few months, and some people never get used to it. You just have to be open and wear your partial as often as you can to try and adjust to it.
Everyone has a different experience. The more you wear them, the quicker it will be for you to be comfortable with them.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Great question! Each person is different, and each mouth is different. Partial dentures replacing just a few teeth are much more readily adapted to by an individual. If only one arch has a partial denture in it, upper or lower, that usually just takes a short time. If there are both arches needing to be restored with partial dentures and there are many teeth on the dentures, those will take longer for the patient to adapt to.
The partial dentures replace the space that is there. They do not really replace your teeth, as those were the ideal things to have in your mouth to begin with.
The partial dentures replace the space that is there. They do not really replace your teeth, as those were the ideal things to have in your mouth to begin with.
Unfortunately it varies widely from one to another, depends on the fit, bite and comfort of your partial.. But in general most of the patients get used faster to the upper partial dentures compared to the lower ones.. Also expect some adjustments at the beginning and few trips to your dentist to eliminate any sore spots or uneven bite.. Once pain or discomfort improves you’ll get used for your denture fast. The more you use it the faster it will be to function normally using your appliance..