Dentist Questions Dental Braces

How do I get my braces to stop hurting?

I'm 20 years old, and my braces have been hurting me a lot. I think that they might be too tight. What can I do to get my braces to stop hurting?

3 Answers

Advil or any other otc pain reliever should do the trick. It’s common to be sore after adjustments.
Brush regularly - morning and night - to keep the gum tissue healthy. Rinse with warm salt water 2 to 3 times per day. 8 ounce glass of warm water (not hot) and a teaspoon of salt. Rinse vigorously for 30 seconds and spit out.
By age twenty your roots have completely closed. Your bone is more dense. For a while you will be experiencing some discomfort with each adjustment. You probably have been told what medication to take. This medication helps with the discomfort. You may ask about applications of heat or cold.