Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How do you get rid of a foreign body feeling in your eye?

I am a 24 year old male. I want to know how do you get rid of a foreign body feeling in your eye?

5 Answers

Artificial tears can help with foreign body sensation. However, a complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed to determine the cause of your foreign body sensation.
If you were using a grinding wheel on a metal object or a metal hammer or hatchet or electric drill or saw when this happened OR if you or someone else can see the particle embedded into the cornea (front surface of the eye) do not perform the warm compresses described below and see your ophthalmologist right away to have the foreign body removed. Embedded foreign bodies or Penetrating foreign bodies may cause a serious intraocular infection which could cause blindness and even the loss of the eye.

As I assume you are an otherwise healthy male, you have already tried to rub and grind the eye to rid that FB sensation. Not always the best choice as women who often wear Mascara or lid liner know.

Best treatment is to prepare a bowl of warm, not hot, water and set it aside. Then get a clean wash cloth roll it up like a Shushi and place it into the bowl of warm water. squeeze out the drips and place the compress on your affected eye with closed eyelid for 30 seconds then place the compress into the warm water, squeeze out the drips and place on the eye for another 30 seconds. Continue this regimen for five minutes. Then with the eye closed, grasp the mid upper lid lashes with thumb and forefinger on that side and bring the lid down over the lower lid lashes and move your eye up, down, to the right and left in a clockwise circle then counter clockwise circle.
If unsuccessful then repeat. Is still not helping, call to your ophthalmologist to have it checked.

This has usually been successful to remove small particular matter that can become an eye irritant.
If you were using a grinding wheel on a metal object or a metal hammer or hatchet or electric drill or saw when this happened OR if you or someone else can see the particle embedded into the cornea (front surface of the eye) do not perform the warm compresses and instead see your ophthalmologist right away to have the foreign body removed
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To help relieve a foreign body sensation, you should start with artificial tears 4-6 times a day. If this does not improve the discomfort within 5-7 days you need to be seen by an Ophthalmologist for further evaluation. There are many conditions which may cause a foreign body sensation including some systemic medical conditions.
If artificial tears don’t help see an ophthalmologist.
Try rinsing eyes under running clean water.