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Dr. Roger V. Ohanesian


Dr. Roger Ohanesian is an ophthalmologist practicing in Laguna Hills, California. Dr. Ohanesian specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Ohanesian can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Ohanesian can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Dr. Roger V. Ohanesian
  • Laguna Hills, California
  • MD at The University of Vermont
  • Accepting new patients

Detached retina?

Seek out an ophthalmologist who specializes in Retinal disorders and indicate your NEW FINDINGS. If you have the history of a blow to the head or eye, mention that too. You should READ MORE
Seek out an ophthalmologist who specializes in Retinal disorders and indicate your NEW FINDINGS. If you have the history of a blow to the head or eye, mention that too. You should be seen right away as these might be the early symptoms of a retinal tear or detachment. Time is of the essence in these cases. Repair is much easier and less dangerous or costly if performed earlier.

Roger Ohanesian, MD

Eyelid twitching for 16 days?

See an ophthalmologist who can examine the lid and eye surface. You may have an embedded foreign body beneath the surface.

Will osteoma removal fix symptoms like double vision and hearing loss?

I cannot answer for return of hearing but if double vision remains, muscle surgery can be done that is highly successful in reducing double vision. Prisms in your glasses might READ MORE
I cannot answer for return of hearing but if double vision remains, muscle surgery can be done that is highly successful in reducing double vision. Prisms in your glasses might be successful to try while you wait for surgery.

What is the latest treatment for glaucoma?

Eye drops have been used for years but Laser to the drainage segment has been shown to be highly successful to reduce Pressures consistently

My eyes?

Many treatments are available to you. -contact lenses -LASIK/PRK. Laser reshaping of the eye. -Intraocular contact lens behind cornea -if cataract present, remove it and replace READ MORE
Many treatments are available to you.
-contact lenses
-LASIK/PRK. Laser reshaping of the eye.
-Intraocular contact lens behind cornea
-if cataract present, remove it and replace with a lens that restores vision without glasses.

Can a bacterial eye infection go away on its own?

Can a bacterial infection of the eye go away on its own? If that is your question, then you are a bigger risk taker than I am. Certain things need an overwhelming response. A bacterial READ MORE
Can a bacterial infection of the eye go away on its own? If that is your question, then you are a bigger risk taker than I am. Certain things need an overwhelming response. A bacterial infection of the eye is one of those diseases that I want to go away ASAP. BACTERIA can infiltrate into parts of the eye that would prevent the multiple parts from working. I see no reason to withhold antibiotics from being administered to an infected eye.

What does optic neuritis feel like?

Optic Neuritis is usually painful. Quite painful.

Cataract surgery gone wrong?

This is a tough medical legal case and requires a medical legal opinion. The provider of that opinion is then drawn into the case which could definitely require intense scrutiny READ MORE
This is a tough medical legal case and requires a medical legal opinion. The provider of that opinion is then drawn into the case which could definitely require intense scrutiny into every aspect of the surgeon and the surgery. Medical Legal counsel should be obtained to assist and determine if malpractice occurred or if this was in the realm of risk that can occur when a lens becomes a very opaque dense cataract. This decision needs then requires ophthalmic experts for the defense and prosecution and becomes a costly affair. It cannot be decided without thorough evaluation.

Roger Ohanesian, MD

How do you fix a weak eye?

Be more specific. Can you see well at distance, but not near? Or vice versa? Is this a NEW symptom or always been this wa? Will glasses clear up your vision? Has it always been READ MORE
Be more specific. Can you see well at distance, but not near? Or vice versa? Is this a NEW symptom or always been this wa? Will glasses clear up your vision? Has it always been weak or is this something new? Your symptom is so vague that it is difficult to specify a disorder and potential treatment. There is a lineage of disorders that come to mind: Presbyopia, Astigmatism, disease of the cornea, lens, retina, optic nerve or Occipital Cortex of the Brain. Obviously, you need to see an ophthalmologist for specific diagnosis or treatment.

Roger Ohanesian, MD

What causes eye focusing problems?

There are loads of reasons for focusing problems. And without a good history, we need to know if this is new or lifelong. How old are you? Is this in one eye or both, or intermittent? READ MORE
There are loads of reasons for focusing problems. And without a good history, we need to know if this is new or lifelong. How old are you? Is this in one eye or both, or intermittent? Do you wear glasses which clear up the blurring? Has it been stated that you have a “lazy” eye? Is just the center vision unfocused, or the periphery as well? Is part of the vision of one eye obscured? Has anyone else in your family had any eye diseases or lost vision?

Roger Ohanesian, MD

Are eye infections contagious?

If your son actually has an infection, it may be contagious. Many are!! But it may be an allergic condition which to a lay person appears to be a “red eye” and is often mistaken READ MORE
If your son actually has an infection, it may be contagious. Many are!! But it may be an allergic condition which to a lay person appears to be a “red eye” and is often mistaken for an infection. It is best to consider a “red eye” to be an infection and avoid touching the eye and then your own eyes, nose, or mouth. Best not to get sneezed or coughed upon, too. Many persons can get terribly contagious viral eye diseases which spread like an epidemic and affect scores of people associated with the person in the family who has this disorder. Best for the affected person to use warm compresses on the eye 4x/day for a week and if still present or worsening, to be seen by an ophthalmologist who may prescribe antibiotics.

How do you fix a blocked tear duct?

Often, if the duct has only recently been blocked, it can be due to thickened mucous or infection within the duct. Best early treatment is the use of a warm compress placed on READ MORE
Often, if the duct has only recently been blocked, it can be due to thickened mucous or infection within the duct. Best early treatment is the use of a warm compress placed on the tear duct for 5-7 minutes at least four times a day. If that lower duct is swollen and painful the cause may be infection. In that case use a wide range antibiotic ordered from the pharmacy by your physician. Take it four times a day before the warm compress

If the duct Is just blocked, warm compresses are usually sufficient.

If painful, a visit to an ophthalmologist is highly recommended as surgery may be needed to prevent further more dire complications. The tear duct is central to many other parts of the eye that could be adversely affected by spreading infection. This is not just a minor annoyance as it could have serious consequences.

Roger Ohanesian MD

How do you treat conjunctivitis in one day?

Because there are so many different causes for conjunctivitis and one medication will not fit all, o would advise a warm compress 4X per day for 30 seconds on and then dip into READ MORE
Because there are so many different causes for conjunctivitis and one medication will not fit all, o would advise a warm compress 4X per day for 30 seconds on and then dip into a bowl of warm water, squeeze out the drips then place the compress on again for another 30 seconds. Continue this for 15 minutes and repeat 4 times a day for 7 days.

Pink Eye (conjunctivitis) has often been traced to Allergies, a foreign body irritant (smoke, smog, insufficient tears or dry eye, viruses and bacteria.
Try the warm compresses before reaching for antihistamine eye drops or oral tablet. And don’t use an antibiotic, antiviral or steroid drop with your Ophthalmologist.

Can eye doctors see floaters?

YES. Your doctor can see the floaters in the vitreous of the eye located behind the lens and in front of the retina. These floaters may be seen with the slit lamp in a magnified READ MORE
YES. Your doctor can see the floaters in the vitreous of the eye located behind the lens and in front of the retina. These floaters may be seen with the slit lamp in a magnified view or by an indirect microscope worn on the top of the head and using a hand held lens to clarify the image we are seeing through the eyepieces of this instrument. Both are often used when evaluating floaters as they may be a sign of a retinal hole, tear or detachment. All of which may require urgent treatment.

Roger Ohanesian, MD

Can lack of sleep cause eye floaters?

 No, I can not think of a mechanism where sleep deprivation would cause floaters in the eye. I do think that if a 17 year old has floaters, he should definitely be seen by an READ MORE

No, I can not think of a mechanism where sleep deprivation would cause floaters in the eye.
I do think that if a 17 year old has floaters, he should definitely be seen by an Ophthalmologist, preferably, a retinal specialist. Highly myopic persons can get retinal tears spontaneously or in conjunction with a blow to the head or an injury while playing a sport.
In either case if is an abnormal finding in someone in his age group. Retinal holes, tears and detachments give the warning of floater associated with this disease.

Call your local ophthalmologist to ask for a referral or just Chevy for retinal specialists in you area and have you done tell you about a blow or fall he may have recently had.

Roger Ohanesian MD

How do you get rid of a foreign body feeling in your eye?

If you were using a grinding wheel on a metal object or a metal hammer or hatchet or electric drill or saw when this happened OR if you or someone else can see the particle embedded READ MORE
If you were using a grinding wheel on a metal object or a metal hammer or hatchet or electric drill or saw when this happened OR if you or someone else can see the particle embedded into the cornea (front surface of the eye) do not perform the warm compresses described below and see your ophthalmologist right away to have the foreign body removed. Embedded foreign bodies or Penetrating foreign bodies may cause a serious intraocular infection which could cause blindness and even the loss of the eye.

As I assume you are an otherwise healthy male, you have already tried to rub and grind the eye to rid that FB sensation. Not always the best choice as women who often wear Mascara or lid liner know.

Best treatment is to prepare a bowl of warm, not hot, water and set it aside. Then get a clean wash cloth roll it up like a Shushi and place it into the bowl of warm water. squeeze out the drips and place the compress on your affected eye with closed eyelid for 30 seconds then place the compress into the warm water, squeeze out the drips and place on the eye for another 30 seconds. Continue this regimen for five minutes. Then with the eye closed, grasp the mid upper lid lashes with thumb and forefinger on that side and bring the lid down over the lower lid lashes and move your eye up, down, to the right and left in a clockwise circle then counter clockwise circle.
If unsuccessful then repeat. Is still not helping, call to your ophthalmologist to have it checked.

This has usually been successful to remove small particular matter that can become an eye irritant.
If you were using a grinding wheel on a metal object or a metal hammer or hatchet or electric drill or saw when this happened OR if you or someone else can see the particle embedded into the cornea (front surface of the eye) do not perform the warm compresses and instead see your ophthalmologist right away to have the foreign body removed

Do glasses help eye strain?

Yes. Particularly when attempting to read at night when you are nearing forty years old. Your Ciliary Muscles at that age do not function as well to allow your natural lens to READ MORE
Yes. Particularly when attempting to read at night when you are nearing forty years old. Your Ciliary Muscles at that age do not function as well to allow your natural lens to become as spherical as you need for reading. That causes these muscles to strain which is the symptom you notice more and more each year as the lens hardens eventually darkening and becoming a dense cataract in one or two decades or less.
Glasses which are set for your reading distance will allow you more comfort for a year or two but then need to be increased in power. Sometimes bifocals are needed. In these cases, a certain power is needed for distance clarity and another power necessary to read up close.

Eventually, the lens is clouded enough that neither distance or reading vision with lenses is good enough.
That is when you should see an ophthalmologist. Many times he recommends Cataract surgery with lens replacement.

Roger Ohanesian MD

How long should I rest my eyes after Lasik?

Healing takes place rapidly. You may have a feeling of something in your eye, but do not rub your eye. If painful, call your surgeon’s office. You may need to be seen by him or READ MORE
Healing takes place rapidly. You may have a feeling of something in your eye, but do not rub your eye. If painful, call your surgeon’s office. You may need to be seen by him or her.

Roger Ohanesian, MD

Are lenses better than glasses?

If by lenses you mean contact lenses and not intraocular lenses, which require surgery, then I would say they are somewhat equivalent. Contact lenses require a trained ophthalmologist READ MORE
If by lenses you mean contact lenses and not intraocular lenses, which require surgery, then I would say they are somewhat equivalent. Contact lenses require a trained ophthalmologist or optometrist to examine the eye to be assured that no disease process exists within the eye or on the corneal surface (the tissue upon which the contact rests). He or she will then take measurements of the curvature of each eye and determine the shape of each eye and determines the substance that the contact lens should be made from. This is a firm plexiglass material for a hard contact lens or an acrylic gel that is the flexible soft lens. If no disease exists then a training time should be set aside to allow you to learn How to put these lenses onto the corneal surface and, how to take them out. Though soft lenses are more comfortable to most than hard lenses, they can be placed back to front and not provide good enough vision.
Intraocular lenses are now routinely placed after cataract surgery. They take the place of the natural lens that was within your eye and can be used to create good vision at all ranges, often without the need for glasses. Intraocular lenses must be surgically implanted with in the eye and are a higher level of risk. These surgeries are only performed by a qualified ophthalmologist who has gone through four years of medical school before entering the three-year Ophthalmology training program. Some eye specialists specialize in contact lens related practices. They are either an optometrist or an ophthalmologist, or an office that has both.

Roger Ohanesian, MD

How do you get rid of conjunctivitis?

There are any causes of what you are referring to as “conjunctivitis. “ Depe Ding upon the etiology (cause) of the redness and scratchy irritated dry feeling of your eyes, there READ MORE
There are any causes of what you are referring to as “conjunctivitis. “
Ding upon the etiology (cause) of the redness and scratchy irritated dry feeling of your eyes, there are different treatments. Your conjunctivitis can be due to dry eyes from a number of different reasons of bacterial or viral or fungal or even parasitic or allergic diseases or even a combination of more than one.
Rather than spend a lot of money and wasted time treating with the WRONG medication, go to a qualified, experienced general Ophthalmologist or one who specializes in “Anterior Segment Diseases of the Eye to learn what you have and be treated properly the first time.

If you MUST try a home remedy first, take a clean wash cloth, dip it into warm to hot water (don’t scald yourself) then wring our the drips and place it on your closed eye(s)——-for thirty seconds. Remove it, place it in the warm-hot water again, wring it out and place it on your eye or eyes again.
Continue that for five minutes and repeat this sequence four times a day: breakfast, lunch, supper, bedtime for one week.

If it remains then get yourself to an ophthalmologist.

Roger Ohanesian, MD