Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

How do you give ear drops to a child?

My son has ear infection. I want to give him ear drops. How do you give ear drops to a child?

1 Answer

Ear pain is not synonymous to ear infection. The first thing is to ascertain whether your child truly has an ear infection and if he/ she does whether it is the external ear canal (Swimmer's ear) or middle ear.
Antibiotic ear drops work well on extrnal ear infections but they have to be prescribed by aphysician. Most pain relieving ear drops for children have been taken off the market so we use oral Ibuprofen or Tyleno until the medication kicks in. It is prudent to keep your child out of the pool for about 4-7 days if it is indeed an external ear infection. Middle ear infections require oral antibiotics if severe enough to be treated. It is probably best to get your child's ear examined by a Pediatrician..
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