Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How do you keep your eyes healthy while wearing contacts?

I am a 36 year old female and I wear contact lenses. How do you keep your eyes healthy while wearing contacts?

7 Answers

Lubrication, Hygiene, Lubrication, Hygiene. Never go to sleep with CL's on.

Dr. Perez Becerra
Basic guidelines are to follow your ophthalmologist or optometrist instructions carefully. I am assuming you are talking about modern daily wear soft contact lenses. These are high technology products which are oxygen permeable and comfortable for wearing up to 12-16 hours per day if you have healthy eyes. Replace the lenses as recommended, do not sleep in
contact lenses, and use a good disinfecting solution overnight, preferably a peroxide based system. If one or both eyes are red, irritated or vision becomes blurred while wearing contact lenses, this is a sign of trouble. Remove the lenses right away with these symptoms and dispose of them. If the problem does not resolve completely within an hour or so, call your eye
doctor. Use eye protection while wearing lenses, such as sunglasses outdoors, and safety goggles for any hazardous duties, power tool use, or rough sports. Also, do not swim or shower in contact lenses. Make sure to see your eye doctor annually to check for any problems before renewing your prescriptions. And always keep a backup pair of glasses with you so you can still function if you have to stay out of your lenses for a time due to infection or irritation, especially while traveling or on vacation.

Mark F. Pyfer, MD, MS, FACS

Frank Cao
Change the lenses regularly. Take the lenses out 1 hour before sleeping. Make sure you clean the cases daily with fresh solution, let them dry out daily.

Do not wear them overnight. Use rewetting drops and artificial tears liberally. Remove the lenses if your eyes become red or painful. Follow lens care instructions. See your dispensing eye care practitioner at the first sign of trouble.
Keep eyes well lubricated during the day with wetting solution or artificial tears. Do not sleep in contacts. If contacts feel uncomfortable keep them out . If discomfort doesn’t improve by taking out contact then see eye care professional Always lean contact lenses with the recommended solution . Never use tap water.
Avoid long wearing times, remove when you sleep, clean lenses regularly.