Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

How do you keep your pancreas healthy?

I am a 38 year old male. I want to know how do you keep your pancreas healthy?

4 Answers

Do the same as you would do to keep yourself healthy in general: eat healthy food, exercise, don't smoke and drink little or no alcohol. There is nothing specific you need to do to focus on pancreas health.
Avoiding excessive alcohol is a good idea!
Any particular reasons you want to keep only your pancreas healthy and not liver and lungs? Long-term alcoholism causes liver and pancreatic damage.
I tell my patients that the pancreas normally likes to be left alone. What I mean by that is, just try not to do anything to irritate it. So, don't drink excess alcohol first and foremost. Second, don't smoke (we know that smoking is an independent risk factor for causing pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas). Thirdly, keep a healthy weight, as obese patients tend to have worse bouts of pancreatitis when it occurs. In addition, some patients have very high triglyceride levels (over 1,000). This can cause pancreatitis as well. This would be found on a routine lipid panel. Lastly, if you are a diabetic, do your best to keep your blood sugars under control, as chronically elevated blood sugars makes your pancreas work harder.
If you adhere to this advice, your pancreas will stay healthy and not cause you any problems!