“How do you know if you have a wisdom tooth infection?”
My wisdom tooth hurts and it's already been in for a year and a half. My dentist didn't want to take it out when it came in. But with this pain, is it possible that my wisdom tooth is infection? How would I know?
8 Answers
Swelling, fever and pain or good indicators. See your dentist as soon as possible to prevent or treat any infection.
Yes. Your wisdom tooth could be infected, but not necessarily. You need to go to the dentist and have it looked at. Sometimes there is swelling if infection is there. There could also be a smell around the tooth that indicates an infection.
It is possible to get an infection in the wisdom tooth. However, it is more likely that your wisdom tooth is only partly erupted and that you have an infection around the gums towards the back of the tooth. This is something called pericoronitis. You may need antibiotics or special mouth rinse to help clear this. Long-term solution will be getting the wisdom tooth removed otherwise the infection may come back again in the future.
Yes, it’s possible there is an infection present with the tooth. Infections typically have some swelling associated with it. There could also be a large cavity in the tooth that is irritating the pulp (nerve) and causing you pain. There is not an infection with this situation, but the treatment would still be to take the tooth out.
Dr. Brandon Nicholson, D.D.S.
Dr. Brandon Nicholson, D.D.S.
Yes it can be infected. You can get food stuck in the tissue around the wisdom tooth. Especially if it has not come in all the way. Pain can also come form tissue being stuck over the tooth and as you eat you keep irritating the tissue. This should be checked by a dentist to figure out what is happening. You may need to have them removed
It is possible that you have an infection in the area of your wisdom tooth. The only way to know for sure is to go to your dentist for an exam and X-ray.
Dr. Rankin
Dr. Rankin